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Works printed on physical portfolio.
Portfolio Mockup.png

Aliyah's Headspace
Casing , journal, name card

Are thoughts supposed to be kept private? So, why are people so afraid to express their views and feelings... Most of my artworks as an artist express my thoughts and feelings. Art has been a safe space for me to express myself and feel heard. Art therapy taught me how powerful art can be, and as a result, I've always wanted to be open with my art and help others feel heard as well. Hoping to be someone who shines like a star for others to follow when feeling lost. The concept of being open with my feelings is seen on the secret envelope’s front cover – a see- through star allowing people to peak in to feel less alone. Here's a deep dive into my thoughts through the artworks in this curated portfolio of mine. Open the secret envelope and let the roller coaster of emotions begin.



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